How to Hire Mobile App Developer

It goes without saying that a profitable business requires a mobile app. No one questions it anymore. But when it comes to how to build a good one, another important question arises. Who can create a good mobile app? Obviously, not everyone. In this article, we will explore how to hire a mobile app developer.

Where to find mobile app developers?

There are special platforms where you can find mobile app developers. They vary depending on cooperation models. If you want to work with freelancers look through Upwork, Toptal, Fiverr. In case you would like a full-time employee, check Glassdoor, Indeed, Dice, LinkedIn.

But if you need a decent app, don’t look for a single “jack-of-all trades” who will make it. One person isn’t able to build a competitive app fast. It requires a professional team with experience in creating apps for similar businesses.

The team should involve a UI designer, a project manager, and developers.

How to choose a mobile app development company ?

As for a mobile development team, there are three options for you to consider. You can go with a freelance team, in-house one or outsourcing app dev crew. All three have their pros and cons. Freelance teams are harder to control, but they offer cost-effective solutions for small projects. In-house teams are easy to control. But they offer too expensive services and require extra expenses to keep them. Outsourcing companies offer a wide pool of talents for reasonable prizes. They also allow business scalability. But they are harder to control than in-house teams.
Having decided which team option works for you, you should do more research. 

Firstly, you need to decide if your app will be for IOS or Android platform. There are cross-platform programmers who are able to build an app for both systems. Secondly, it makes sense to see what projects the team worked with. Thirdly, we recommend checking customer reviews the team worked with. And finally, it is important to find out if a dev team provides post-launch support.

Developed app types

As we mentioned above, the first step of your research is to decide on the type of your app. Should it be a native app for some specific platform or a cross-platform one. 

On the one hand, native app offers better UX, security, and optimized performance. But on the other hand, it will be more expensive to build. Native app requires more time to be made and maintained. 

On the contrast, cross-platform app requires less time and money for development. As almost all code is reusable between iOS and Android. Besides, cross-platform app offers native look and feel with native UI components. 

Analyzing your business requirements will help you to decide.

After making a choice of the type of app you need, look for the team who will do it.


The best way to see what a dev team can is to review their portfolio. It will help you to understand what businesses the team have worked with. You can download their apps and check their quality.

Client reference

Another way to evaluate the work of dev team is to read their previous customers` reviews. A successful team points out to their done projects and customers that they worked with. Reading reviews, you will be able to get more insight into what the team can. You will find info about technologies and approaches as well as soft skills of team members.

Experience in the sector

Portfolio and reviews will help you see if the dev team has a relevant experience. It is critical to choose a team with experience in your sector of business. Relying on their prior experience, the team will be able to do your app with higher quality.

Client focus‍

We need to admit that various mobile dev teams have different client focus. Some have vaster experience working with start-ups. The others have got more project for big enterprises. Consider the point while choosing a team for you. Should they help you to introduce your business? Or help you to refine your businesses processes? A team with relevant expertise will help you meet your expectations faster and easier.

Post-launch support

Even though it seems not so critical now, check if your promising dev team provides post-launch support. Operating systems are updating their features from time to time. So, any even flawless app will need to be updated soon. In addition, an app can experience problems, glitches, security issues. Besides, your business may grow, change approaches, services or products. In any of the cases above, you will need to ask for a post-launch support.


From the first sight, it seems not a big deal to hire a mobile app dev team. But don’t jump to quick conclusions. You have to choose the crew with proper knowledge, experience, expertise and model of work. For that you need to do research. Look through their portfolio, try their previous apps, read customer reviews on their work. It is important to choose a friendly team with similar values to yours. 

Now the process of looking for a mobile dev team seems to be long and tiring. 

How about avoiding it? We are here to meet your business expectations. 

Our team has been specializing in mobile app development for 14 years. We have helped dozens of big and small companies to grow their business. All our customers received quality service and support. Would you like to become one of them and have a successful app? Take advantage of our free consultation, and we will tell you how to do it.


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