App Builders: Cost-Saving Solution or Limitation for Mobile App Development?

What is App Builder or Constructor ?

It is a program that makes it possible to build mobile apps without coding. As a rule, such service has a catalog of templates and some custom options. Constructor allows anyone to create an app and adjust it to business needs. 

Benefits of App Builder

We should admit that a builder allows creating an app much faster and easier. As it doesn’t require any code or layout design. 

That is why, cost of using app builders are lower compared to money paid for hiring a dev team. Sounds attractive, doesn’t it? But have you noticed that not a lot of good apps have been created by means of a constructor? Why? It has simple explanation. A template app brings some limitations for business promotion and growth.

Apps built with a constructor may only fit a project that:

  • has a small target audience;
  • needs a temporary solution;
  • doesn’t require integration with other services;
  • doesn’t have competitors on the market;
  • isn’t intended to be scaled;
  • doesn’t mean to have future updates or enhancement.

Limitations for Mobile App Development

But what if an owner has ambitions to increase the project and promote it? If so, using a constructor can bring a lot of limitations. These are:

Lack of features 

An app built with a constructor hard to customize to business needs. It also may lack some features which competitors have. Due to it, the app doesn’t get desired conversion rates. As a result, users leave for rivals. 

Worse Performance 

An application built by a team of specialists is more robust to glitches. It is much more responsive to user activity. 

When a freelancer builds a template app, they compromise quality to economy. It leads to such issues as slow app loading and poor performance. The issues cause low ratings on the App Store and Google Play. Finally, the business loses profit.

No chance to scale

It is unlikely possible to develop and promote an app built with a constructor.  It creates some obstacles for the business. An app without updates becomes boring for users. With time functionality loses value and doesn’t meet business needs. And such app ends up becoming useless. 

Technical support issues

Professional team never creates apps with a constructor. They know that technical support of such app is a headache. It means that being created by an amatory freelancer, the app will not receive proper support. In case of error and glitches, it needs a specialist to fix the issue. It won’t be easy to find such a person in a short time if not at all.


Even if a company has a limited budget to invest into the app, we know how to help the business. In such a case we suggest an alternative to builder mobile app. It is a custom developed minimum viable product with individual design and full programming.Even though such a solution has a basic functionality,  it fits the main needs of the business. And it is worth noting that custom-built app with MVP can be scaled and enhanced later. 

From our experience, sooner or later all successful companies come up with a decision to have a quality custom app. Only such an app allows them to grow their business.  It will be much easier to bring your app to a serious level starting with MVP rather than a builder.

 Our team has been specializing in custom app development for 14 years. We have helped dozens of big and small companies to grow their business. All our customers received quality service, and the app which met their needs. Would you like to become one of them and have a successful app? Take advantage of our free consultation, and we will tell you how to do it.


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